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About W&L

Women & Language is published by the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Cape Breton University (Nova Scotia, Canada) and housed in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Louisville. It is affiliated with the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (OSCLG). For more about OSCLG, visit

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  • Communication & Mass Media Complete

  • Communication Abstracts

  • Women’s Studies International


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Articles published in Women & Language have been peer-reviewed by at least two members of the editorial board or external readers with appropriate scholarly expertise. Reviews and forum articles have been editorially reviewed. All material published in Women & Language is reviewed within the spirit of academic freedom, which promotes the free exchange of ideas. The contents of each article are the responsibility of its author(s), and do not reflect the official policies or positions of Women & Language, OSCLG, its members, its officers, or its staff.


Shauna M. MacDonald, PhD
Editor, Women & Language

Department of Communication & Languages

Cape Breton University

1250 Grand Lake Road

Sydney, Nova Scotia

B1M 1A2


Women & Language is published by the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Cape Breton University (Nova Scotia, Canada) and housed in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Louisville. It is affiliated with the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (OSCLG). For more about OSCLG, visit

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